Bloc Party
A Weekend In The City

This is one of an endless string of disappointments from bands I expected great things from in 2007, but it’s also the first of those records to actually make the list. First, it’s nowhere near as good as Bloc Party’s exceptional debut, Silent Alarm, but, in the final analysis, it’s still way better than what is being peddled by most comparable bands. Over the course of the year, I listened to this a lot more than I’d realised. When I went to draw up the list, I was expecting that it wouldn’t even get a sniff, but it ended up placing a quarter of the way in. It is too patchy; containing a couple of fairly bland tunes (‘I Still Remember’ and ‘Kreuzberg’). However, when it is good, it’s really really good. ‘Hunting For Witches’ and ‘The Prayer’ are both utterly exceptional, with jagged riffs underpinned by the all important trademark Bloc Party ‘dance’ drumming. I was hoping for loads more, but this is still a damn good record.

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